Disease, Diabetes, Colorectal Cancer, Adhesions
I salute your interest in
Resveratrol and clinical studies associated with it. If you are fairly new to this site, I would suggest
scrolling down to the very first posting which is at the very bottom or end of
this blog. It gives background to
this site. For the record, there
are now 4919 scientific articles on Resveratrol published in medical journals
in the National Library of Medicine.
That is where the following articles come from, www.pubmed.com.
HEART DISEASE From the Russian Academy of Medical
Science in Moscow comes a review article on dietary polyphenols, of which
Resveratrol is a part. They showed
that several studies link a decrease in cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality
rate with certain diets. Diets
rich in vegetables, fruits, unrefined cereals, legumes, nuts, garlic, olive oil
and red wine. Mediterranean diets
incorporate the above and are associated with lower CVD mortalities.
Resveratrol is a part of this cardioprotective action.
Bratisl Lek Listy 2012:
DIABETES A study from a pharmacy college in
India was published using human subjects with Type II diabetes on oral
medications. Half of the 62
patients were given their usual oral medications and the other half received
250 mg per day along with their regular medications for three months. The Resveratrol group had a significant
improvement in Hemoglobin A1c (a measure of blood sugar control), decreased
blood pressure, and decreased total cholesterol. There was no change in body weight or HDL (the good
cholesterol). The conclusion was
that “Resveratrol is thus found to be effective in improving glycemic control”
and may “provide a potential
adjuvant for the treatment and management of diabetes”.
Nutr Res 2012 July 537-41
human study. A researcher from St James University Hospital in West Yorkshire,
UK published his study of patients with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP). This a group of people who have inherited a gene which causes
multiple polyps in the colon which in turn increases the risk of getting
full-blown colorectal cancer. Half
of a group of these people were given supplemental Resveratrol and the other
not. The group treated with with
the nutriceutical product had fewer and smaller polyps on colonoscopy than the
untreated group. Phase III trials
are starting on this subject.
Recent Results Cancer Res
2012: 143-56
COLORECTAL CANCER Colon cancer ranks third in cancer
related mortalities, and certain phytochemicals including Resveratrol are being
studied to prevent the onset of colon cancer. A group from Meharry Medical Medical College in Nashville,
TN took a group of mice and fed half with a chemical (benzo-a-pyrene) which
causes colon cancer, for 60 days.
The other half was fed the chemical along with Resveratrol for 60
days. The mice were then killed
and the number of tumors in each animal was counted. The Resveratrol group had fewer tumors. They also had fewer areas of pre-cancer
changes and under the microscope Resveratrol sped up cancer cell deaths and
decreased cell growth
J Nutr Biochem 2012 Aug.
ADHESIONS At the Ankara Education and Research
Hospital in Turkey, post-operative adhesions were studied. This formation of troublesome scar
tissue is a common problem after pelvic surgery. A group of of rats was divided into thirds. One third got Resveratrol 10 days
before and 20 days after surgery.
The second third received Resveratrol orally for 20 days after surgery and
the remainder received nothing.
They all were operated on in the pelvic area. The rats were then killed 3 weeks later and studied for the
number of adhesions and the severity of the adhesions. Both Resveratrol groups did much better than the non- Resveratrol
group. The first group did much
better with Resveratrol given before and after surgery than the second
group. Giving Resveratrol before
and after pelvic surgery is an effective way to prevent or minimize adhesions
after pelvic surgery in rats.
Hum Fertil 2012 Aug 9
Hopefully something in these
articles was of interest. We are
starting to see more human studies and Resveratrol research is looking at a
wider variety of places where it can be beneficial. As always, I still believe Shaklee’s Vivix to be the most
potent, purest,and most effective source of Resveratrol.
Until next time,
Dr Bob