Friday, November 22, 2013

CANCER (Colon, Breast, Prostate, Lymphoid, Myeloid, and more)

Thank you once again for joining us in our ongoing review of medical articles regarding resveratrol.  This month we are going to concentrate on 3 review articles on cancer and the ongoing research with resveratrol.  Something new to this blog is the PMID number at the end of each article.  If you go to you  will be able to put the number into the search block which will then take you to that specific article.

Cancer.   From the University of Wisconsin in Madison comes an article on cancer prevention.  For cancer of the lung, colon, breast or prostate, the outlook for patient in whom the cancer has already spread is grim.  There are four cancers in this country that account for more than half of all cancer deaths in the United States.  One alternative to dealing with metastatic cancer is to prevent them altogether.  They review the use of non-toxic agents as to prevent the cancers.  They then concentrate on resveratrol and its proven ability to protect against several cancer types.  This paper breaks down the research for each of the different cancers.  The authors then urge more human trials for cancer prevention by resveratrol.  PMID 12792772

Cancer.  From M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston comes an article on the prevention and treatment of cancer, concentrating on resveratrol.  Many articles in medical journals shows  the anticancer properties of resveratrol against lymphoid and myeloid cancers, multiple myeloma, cancers of the breast, prostate, stomach, colon, pancreas, and thyroid, melanoma, head and neck cancers.,  ovarian cancer and cervical cancer.  They aid in stopping cell division of the cancer cells and block the in- growth of new blood vessels to supply increased blood flow to the cancer cells.  This occurs at many different steps in a series of chemical reactions and results in both prevention and therapy against many cancers.  The few human studies that have been done show that resveratrol is safe.  To date, the bulk of research has been done in either lab animals or cell cultures and is promising.  PMID15517885

Cancer.  Also from the University of Wisconsin is an article on the use of resveratrol in combination with traditional chemotherapy agents.  They review several articles showing both the preventative effect and a therapeutic effect of resveratrol against certain cancers.  They also reviewed recent publications suggesting how useful resveratrol is when given in combination with chemotherapy agents.  They have an additive effect resulting in a decrease in the dose of chemotherapy.  This results in decreased side effects and decreased toxicity along with increased effectiveness.  PMID 23855473
Hopefully you find these articles as interesting and useful as I did.  The use of the new p.m. PMID numbers should be of value as well.  Until next month.

Dr Bob