Thursday, April 24, 2014



Probiotics--a study from China is looking at the bacteria in the gut of mice.   Half of them were receiving  resveratrol and the other half a placebo.  In the group being fed reveratrol there was a decrease in the enterococcus bacteria which is associated with disease and an increase in the healthy bacteria lactobacillus and bifidobacterium.   This is the first report I have seen on the effect of resveratrol on the intestinal bacteria.  This is one more benefit that is available from a regular use of resveratrol.  PMID 24722352

Diabetic foot ulcers--a human study was done on diabetics and the healing of foot ulcers.  Half of the patient's received placebo and half of them received resveratrol  50 mg twice a day.  This would be the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of the Vivix daily.  The resveratrol  group had faster healing and healthier tissue after 60 days on this program.   Other studies have shown a better control of blood sugar on diabetics will also take resveratrol.  Again, an added benefit from supplementation.  PMID 24701359




Stroke protection--a rat study was done where 2 arteries to the brain of each rat were tied off simulating a stroke and beginning one hour after that blockage of blood flow half of the rats were given Resveratrol for 7 days.  Behavioral testing was then done on days 30 and 45 after tying off the arteries.  At the end of thestudy, the rats were sacrificed and the brains examined.  There was less loss of brain tissue in the Resveratrol  group.  they also performed much more effectively during the memory function testing.  There was a definite neuro protective effect in the rat's on Resveratrol.  PMID 24620966

Skin protection--half of a group of guinea pigs was given as Resveratrol and the other half a placebo.  They were all exposed to ultraviolet B light and the changes in pigmentation were then studied in both groups.  The Resveratrol modified melanin synthesis and acted as depigmentation agent.  This has promise in dealing with ultraviolet  induced skin disorders such as hyperpigmentation and skin photo aging.  PMID 24596619

Bladder cancer--bladder cancer has been as high as a 50% recurrence rate following treatment of the initial cancer.  A variety of treatments to lower the risk of recurrence have been studied including chemotherapy agents placed into the bladder and dietary supplements to include antioxidant vitamins.  In this study a group of my case was divided in half.  Half received short term mesenteric hole placed directly into the bladder daily and all the mice were then exposed to chemical which causes formation of bladder cancer.  The liver is very full treated mice had a much lower rate of cancer onset in those which did develop cancer had tumors which were more slowly and were smaller.  PMID  24587049