Monday, January 18, 2010

Vivix Testimonies

Today I wanted to share some Vivix testimonies that we have been gathering. I hope you enjoy them and know someone that can relate to them.

Crohns and Arthritis
At age 24 I was diagnosed with Crohns disease and also suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. The medical world does not have good answers for autoimmune diseases. I was treated with steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs and a chemo-like poison was suggested. When I got some relief the drug side-effects were frightening and life threatening. Then along came Shaklee’s Vivix. I took it for only a few weeks when it was again time to try to wean me off the meds to see if I could live without them. It had never worked before.
This time, Crohns did not flare up again and I am free from arthritis symptoms. It has been 11 months of good health. I have never felt better! In addition to my everyday teaspoon of Vivix, I take Easy Gest, Omega Guard, and Vitalizer. Using gene-silencing, Resveratrol switched off genes involved in the initiation and progression of disease.
Kendra S.
My brother-in-law was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 5 years ago and since then we had seen a steady decline in his condition. Last Christmas, he could hardly feed himself. He began taking Vivix in January. When we saw him in June, his hands were not shaking and he could even button his shirt. Vivix was the only change in his treatment and he says he rarely has any tremors. He just turned 77.
Loretta C.
After taking Vivix for three months, my Lupus symptoms are gone. I clean houses and do landscaping. Before Vivix, my hands were swollen and very painful. At times, I used steroids for some relief but feared the side effects. My energy is better now too. Additionally, my hair is thicker and healthier. I wouldn’t want to be without Vivix.
Kathleen B.
I have had osteoarthritis for several years and have had gout attacks frequently. I began using Vivix in October 2009. I have not had a gout attack and have significantly less pain and stiffness. I am 75.
Jim C.
High Cholesterol
For the first time in fifteen years, my cholesterol is in normal range. The only thing different in my diet is Vivix. Thanks, Shaklee!
Jill B.
This fall, I am not troubled by allergy problems and sinus symptoms that usually accompany them. I’ve been using Vivix for nearly a year and also have much more energy.
Loretta C.


  1. Hello! I actually started taking vivix about three weeks ago after a friend turned me on to Shaklee's chemical free cleaners. I was DX with lupus and fibro as well. Two months prior I had blood work done and it was a mess! Had blood tests done a week into vivix (10 vials for a full panel) and it showed my lupus is in remission! For the first time in years I am waking up without pain! I cannot believe it. I had hoped it would lessen symptoms. I never thought it would do this! I want to tell everyone I know w the disease but I'm scared they won't believe me! I can hardly believe it myself!

    1. Just read your testimony of using Vivid. Will you please, please call me. 352_226-3293 margaret
