Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Have you heard the saying that if you want a good worker, look for someone who is already busy? It has been too long since my last blog, so I wait until the busiest time of the year to put this out. And speaking of the time of year, I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas. I also wish for each of you. As a reminder, this blog is about research published in medical journals on resveratrol. If you wish to do your own research, go to
1. Women's health was the subject of this paper. Note that it was published almost 10 years ago. There are a variety of changes the female body goes through after menopause and one way to prevent or deal with them is hormonal replacement therapy. Unfortunately the more popular replacement therapies are associated with potential side effects and complications such as blood clots, strokes, and gallbladder disease, as well as endometrial, uterine, and breast cancers. This study showed that "resveratrol supplementation may be an alternative conventional hormone replacement therapy for cardioprotection and osteoporosis prevention and may confer other potential health benefits in women." (Drugs Exp Clin Res, 2001 233-48)
2. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. Early detection and treatment which uses multiple modalities result in more successful treatment and fewer cancer deaths. This paper is looking at prostate cell cultures, cancer cells growing in a glass dish. One treatment is using hormone therapy. The problem with hormonal therapy is that eventually the treatment no longer works as the cancder cells become hormonally resistant. Built into every cell is a message that tells the cell when to die (apoptosis). Resveratrol tells the cancer cells to die early. This has the potential of helping prostate cancer patients who are responding responding to hormonal therapy or not. (Anticancer Res Sept 2007)
3. Arthritis is a common problem that all adults suffer from sooner or later. It is called osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease. In this study from Turkey, half of a group of rabbits was put on resveratrol and the other not. They all then had a had a toxic substance injected into their knees which damages cartilage, simulating arthritis. The group on resveratrol had significantly less joint damage. This has the potential of decreasing arthritis in all of us. (Inflammation Apr 2007)
4. Obesity is associated with a variety of other health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, elevated cholesterol or triglycerides or free fatty acids, and low insulin levels (diabetes). A group of obese Zucker rats was given resveratrol and they had a decrease in the blood fats and an improvement in blood sugars. Resveratrol has the possibility of helping diabetics both in sugar control and elevated blood fats. (Biochem Pharmacol Dec 2008)
Remember, Shaklee's resveratrol, vivix, is ten times as potent as other products out there. Here is to your health.
Dr Bob

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